Monday, April 29, 2019

Free Online Doctor Consultation In India

Apna Family Doctor - Online Doctor Consultation In India

From the history of mankind, health is one of the more crucial aspects than any other things in the lives of the human being. Everything falls next after health. Although it's not the new line that I am talking here and there is a huge possibility that you may know all of this stuff already yet, I can bet that you may know how it is crucial in our life but not truly feels or experiences it.
“Health is not valued till sickness comes.” - Thomas Fuller
But we can also deny from the fact, and sometimes we get so busy with our daily lives that we even don't have enough time to work for our health in all aspect due to our work and other responsibility. Though, all we know that without a healthy body and mind, nobody conquers the battle of life no matter how rich you are or what your position but still we make a resolution to work for our good health but not have been taking action.
That's why to solve such an enormous problem in society, We, Apna family Doctor, have taken the initiative to make a platform of online doctor consultation in India where people can easily ask their health or medical or fitness related query directly to us for lifetime free so that every people in the world can live healthy, longer and prosperous.
Send your query for any health and medical advice...

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Monday, April 15, 2019

Health Adviser Video Online

Health Adviser Video Online

The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick - P.T Barnum
Nowadays in the competitive & bustling world, we are too busy in our jobs, business, studies, relationships & to fulfil our desires that we don't have time to stop in our life for a few minutes & rethink towards our health. We make excuses for the hectic work schedule & lack of time when someone says that we should make a healthy lifestyle in our day to day to life. However, every person knows that health is one of the most crucial factors for the prosper & happy life which everyone dreams it but still most of them, in today's world, ignores it. Just like a person who knows that if they work for their goal then he/she will get it but still ignoring by making excuses.

But in short, If I will comment on this above discussion that it depends upon your priority to adopt a healthy lifestyle, not on excuses. 

But don't worry, if you are concerned about your health because in the ever-evolving industry, "Apka Apna family doctor- Dr. Alok Prasad" takes the responsibility to make a India healthy & prosperous by taking an initiative to provide Health advisor video online free on the YouTube platform so that you can take initiative to make a healthy lifestyle as well.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Belly Fat – Why & How Reduce it Effortlessly

how to reduce belly fat - apna family doctor

THE BELLY FAT we all hate it, but still, we have it. It’s the irony. The belly fat is a curse if you have it you look old, dull, tired and may be occupied with diseases like health diseases, blood pressure, etc. So why we have the belly fat when it causes to much trouble in life and the simple answer to this is our lifestyle, lack of exercise and low healthy diet.

Let’s talk about the belly fat in detail

First, we should know what belly fat is; it’s the fat around the abdomen and belly fat is of two types
1.    Subcutaneous: This fat sits under the skin
2.    Visceral: It’s the fat around the organs of the body.

Belly fat invites various diseases which can be fatal. Belly Fat can harm with
    heart disease
    heart attacks
    high blood pressure
    type 2 diabetes
    breast cancer
    colon cancer
    Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia

Watch Video on Old age Problems and Solutions Now.

Why Belly Fat Happened?

1.    Poor Diet/Low Healthy Diet

Low Protein and high carbohydrate diet leat you to obesity.Obesity causes weight gain, slower the metabolism and makes people lazy and tired always.
Before buying any food product always check whether and how much trans fat it contains. Trans fat is the primary cause of obesity.

2.    Alcohol

Consuming excess alcohol can cause inflammation and other liver-related diseases. Excess drinking of alcohol causes weight gain and belly fat particularly in males, and it may vary in females.

3.    Lack of Exercise

This is mainly my fav part, In metropolitan cities most of us have every facility, and we don’t even walk properly. And also most of the people have sitting jobs and are not doing the minimum exercise required. So either people are going to the gym or having belly fat.

4.    Stress

The body contains a steroid hormone called the stress hormone helps in stimulate fat and carb for electric energy and maintains sugar level. When a person in high-pressure situation cortisol provides the power but in case of Stress when cortisol stimulates energy, the heat can be used and increase the craving for sugary foods and causes the excess calories to remain around the belly.

5.    Genetics

Genes can play an imp role of people becoming obese, but with some precautions, environmental behavior, and factors, you call to control the abdominal fat to store.

6.    Sleep

Short sleep and poor quality sleep can cause various problems in which obesity and having belly fat is one of them. Poor Quality Sleep can create unhealthy eating habits and make you eat more at the wrong time such as in the night and also cause an emotional eating problem.

If you want to know more about the belly fat ,pls make a query to "health adviser online" and a detailed explanation video. 

How to Reduce Belly Fat

1.    Healthy diet

Always try to have a high protein and vitamin c diet which increase metabolism and help to decrease the fat. You should avoid sugary, fatty and fast foods and eat plenty of green leaves like broccoli, spinach and also include lemon and onion in your diet because Vitamin C is vital for the secretion of carnitine, a compound that helps the body convert fat into energy and reduce belly fat.

2.    Reduce Alcohol and Smoking Consumption

3.    Reduce Stress

4.    Improve Sleeping Pattern 

5.    Do Exercise

Its always recommended to stay fit by doing some yoga or exercise. And at least walk 10,000 steps a day. Maybe you can join for regular inspiration and practice. Here is a list of activity which you can include in your methods

    Twist Crunches
    Side Crunch
    Reverse Crunches
    Vertical Leg Crunch
    Bicycle Exercise
    Lunge Twist
    Rolling Plank Exercise
    The Stomach Vacuum
    Captain’s Chair
    Bending Side To Side

6.    Drink at  least Six to Eight Glass of Water (2.5-3L)

The whole story concludes that you should start doing things to reduces belly fat rather than thinking about it. Eat healthily, Eat Right and do some exercise which leads you to stay fit and a flat belly. A Person with a flat stomach is admired by everyone (especially girls).

 You can ask any query in the comment or mail your question to ‘Apna Family DoctorDr. Alok Prasad’ who start an initiative to provide videos on YouTube channel “Apna Family Doctor” giving brief details about diseases problem and their solution.